Knowing your wing pattern is easy when working with the Pole Fitness Studios aerodynamic formula.
Then half the challenge is applying your wings/limbs perfectly and the other half of the challenge is you identifying your own perfect wing/limb form.
Mirrors are super handy for this however some vertical pole gymnastics exercises are shaped in such a way, that you are not able to properly look in the mirror, at the same time as perfecting your form.
Photos are ideal! A wonderful tool to record your vertical pole gymnastics progression also.
The 'first Saturday' of every month, Pole Fitness Studios offers all our members the opportunity to have your pole gym skills photographed.
Allowing you to be on the outside looking in, at these amazing aerodynamic exercise shapes you are now able to achieve.
This is a positively fabulous experience and a great workout.
Got to love Pole Fitness!
Usual Timetable Instructor classes are available in the afternoon, every Saturday.
By Angela Perry
Leader in the field of vertical pole gymnastics
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Looking for Mums and Bub/kids gymnastics classes at Pole Fitness Studios(C) Sydney Australia are so much FUN!